Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy, Happy Birthday!

My wonderful hubby celebrated his birthday this past weekend. He had an added bonus: all of the kids and future in law kids, were able to be there. What a wonderful treat! We had a bounteous meal of steak, cheese/bacon potatoes, salad and bread. Afterward, we all played "Beatle Trivia". We all knew that John was impossible to beat. He is a huge Beatle fanatic. In the end, it was closer than I expected, but he did prevail. I'm glad it would have ruined his birthday to loose at Beatle trivia.

With such a large crowd, it takes a couple of times to get everyone looking...

Daniel, Jamie, John Sr and John Jr
Greg, Beth, Elijah, Abbey and Anna
Oops! Caught Greg, Elijah and Beth unaware.

Now, Anna disappeared.

Oh, well, put those two shots together and you have everyone.

Directing us as we sang

Elijah beat him to the candles!

Many men are the happiest when they are on the golf course, making money or at a sporting event. But, not my honey. He is the happiest when all of his kids are around. As I watched him, I saw him get excited when  it was getting close to the time for everyone to be home. You could see the gleam in his eye and hear the excitement in his voice. That is one of the things I love about him! He truly delights in his family!

Happy Birthday, Johnny boy, you've made my life wonderful and I'm so thankful to be your wife, and our kids are blessed to call you Dad!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Ahhh, the sweetest sound!

 While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

 A couple of nights ago, we had some dear friends' kids over to play with ours. Since our nightly ritual involves Abbey and Elijah riding their bikes, I asked if the company could also bring their bikes. So, after dinner, we lugged all 5 riding apparatuses out to our cul-de-sac. I was out there refereeing, um, I mean watching the make-shift raceway and loving the smiles on all of the beautiful faces.

John had been puttering around the backyard when he came up and said, "Wow! How wonderful it is to hear children's laughter!" It was in that moment that I stopped to listen. He was exactly right. There isn't much in the world that can lift your spirits like hearing the uncontrolled squeal of glee coming from a child. It makes me forget that my floors are dirty, my walls need painting or that there is a mountain of laundry that needs to be done. Nope, that all can wait! I'm gonna sit right here and take in the happy sounds of God's wonderful treasured blessings! 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Signs of Spring

Ahhh, spring is here!!! I know it because of the unmistakable signs.....

The once drab yard is filled with color and beauty

We get together with friends at parks

One must absolutely wear her shades, even while swinging

The kids are dying to play in water. 
Wait, that's every day, but now I can let them without fear they will become popsicles.

Some overzealous ones insist on getting in the 2 inches of water.

I just love, love, love spring!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

She's a two wheeler woman now!

No more training wheels for Abbey!

John started working with her last weekend, at first she wasn't so sure, but now she loves it and asks to ride constantly.

She's a pro now!

 And so proud of herself!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A new nursery rhyme

Sung to the tune and in the spirit of  "Jack and Jill"

Oh Johnny D went to the tree to clean up all the yard,
But, look he did not,
And the tree got a shot
Right on the top of his  head it came down very hard.

It wasn't as bad as I had suspected when I heard him call to me to come that he had cut his head and it was bleeding. It ended up just being a scratch, but being that it was on the head, it did bleed a bit.

Later at dinner, Abbey turns to John and said....

"Daddy can I see your crack?"

So glad that he is just "cracked" and not broken!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Big Brother shares one of his favorite pastimes

One of John Jr's favorite pastimes is fishing. He's always loved to fish, and going to school at the beach has given him many opportunities. When he was home a couple of weeks ago, he set out to go fishing. Abbey was very interested in where he was going. He explained that he was going fishing and immediately, "I want to go." came from Abbey. Then the great, Big Brother promised to take her fishing the next day. Of course, Elijah wanted to go also, so John invited John Sr to go with them. I'm sure he was grateful for the reinforcements, umm I mean company.  It can be a little scary outing when there are more preschoolers than big folks!

Armed with bread, they set out.

A "before" picture

They started fishing, with the agreement that the first fish, once it was hooked, would be Abbey's to reel in.

So they waited, and

waited, and

pretty soon, Abbey and Elijah sought after other forms of entertainment

Finally, John Sr. hooked one and

Abbey reeled it in.

Not a bit afraid, she grabs the little fishy

She was a little bit happy at her accomplishment!

John told her to sniff her hand

Apparently, fish smell doesn't appeal to her.  I don't think she will marry a fisherman.

After another little wait and more bug collecting...

John, Jr hooks one for Elijah to reel in.

As I'm sure you would have guessed, Elijah didn't want to hold the fish.

But he was very excited to "catch" his first fish.

 When asked how big his fish was....

Elijah replied in true to fishermen's terms:

Yessiree! He'll make a fine fisherman one day. He's already mastered the art embellishing his catch!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another band in the making?

Watch out folks, if this is any indication there will be a new band forming around the year of 2033.

Featuring Abbey on vocals with John and Elijah on drums

When John was home last week, he and his friend, Tyler, played at a local restaurant that was having a fundraiser for cancer research.  They practiced in our garage.  Abbey and Elijah just had to get in on the action.

Tyler was a good sport about the interruption

Look out music world, here they come!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Anna's not a teenager anymore

The Birthday Girl

My Anna-Boo turned 20 on April 2nd.  We celebrated by going out to eat and then having cake at home.

Anna is now in the last phase of cosmetology school. She passed her test for advancement with a 100! It is so neat to see her enjoying her career choice. She's cut mine and Elijah's hair many times. I must say there are perks to giving birth to a hair stylist! I think she is very talented, (of course, I'm not prejudiced at all).

Time is speeding toward her November wedding, impossible as that may sound! It's hard to think of my middle baby getting married. In my mind, she should still be running around with the chia-pet dogs, Mark and Lucy. Mark and Lucy ended up in chia-pet, gluing hospital many times after taking Anna induced tumbles.

Or  I see her talking and playing with one of her many imaginary friends, usually accompanied by many little songs that only she knew the words to.

I'll never forget the looks on folk's faces as they saw me and Anna walking in the rain of an impending hurricane, while she sang, "Singing in the Rain" at the top of her lungs. When she saw anyone she would yell, "Nice weather we're having!"

That Anna of mine is one special personality, always marching to the beat of her own drum.

I love you Anna B! Happy Birthday!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Grandaddy's 73rd birthday-March 24

On March 24, my dad turned 73 years young. The kids, (Daniel, Abbey and Elijah), and I went to celebrate his birthday. We went out to eat lunch and then celebrated with cake. 
Daniel did the lighting honors

Getting help blowing out the candles

Later that afternoon, a Grandaddy classic wheelbarrow ride was in order.

Daniel took over when Grandaddy was tired.

My Dad is such a special person. Growing up, I always felt that my Daddy could do anything. He's extremely talented in many areas. He still plays guitar and sings in his church's choir. Every Christmas, we all look forward to seeing what creation he has made out of wood for us. He's made many things that we will always treasure.

I've always looked to my Dad as excellent example of morality. He's always "walked the walk".  When my Mom's mom  became unable to live alone, my Dad immediately volunteered to bring her into their home. He does a lot to provide the care she needs.

My kids all think that their Grandaddy  hung the moon, and me?  Well I wholeheartedly agree with them!!!