This frightened, withdrawn little one
Has turned into this amazing little boy
getting his "grove" on |
On Sept. 15, three years ago, in a very loud room in Guangzhou, China, we met our 6th child, and 3rd son, Elijah! He was quite scared but didn't cry a single tear.
Before the day was over he was smiling at us.
And boy, what a sweet smile it was! |
Three short years later, we went to share frozen yogurt and celebrate Elijah's third "Gotcha Day"!
He was so excited, telling everyone he met, "Today's my gotcha day!"
Although still very small in stature, Elijah has a great big heart. He loves to pray and is often one to remind us to pray for the people when we see an accident.
He started out having some issues with speech, but now...that boy certainly loves to talk! As evidenced by one of our recent conversations:
Elijah: "I don't want to die."
Me: (Not really sure where he was going with this thought)"Well, I don't want you to die right now either. I'd be so, so, sad! Daddy and I are going to do everything we can to keep you safe"
Elijah: "Yup, 'cuz I couldn't talk if I was dead.."
Nope, I don't think that was anywhere near what I thought he was thinking!
He dearly loves his siblings, all of them. He told me a few days after Daniel went to college, "When I grow up, I'm going to be Daniel."
He and Abbey are inseparable. They play so well together. She usually tells him what to do, and he does it! Sometimes, though, he tries to buck the system. Yesterday, I heard him tell Abbey, "No Abbey! I don't like your attitude!" He does have a ferocious temper, but rarely looses it. Usually it's when he's really tired.
The one constant from the time we met him has been his love of cars. He has always been mesmerized by cars. It's a daily occurrence to hear Elijah say from the back seat of our car, "Look at that cool car!", or "I love that mini-cooper convertible!" The boy knows and loves his cars!
It's such a joy to be on this journey to watch my precious little boy as he grows in wisdom, stature (a little bit), and in favor with God and man.
One of my favorite shirts. |
Elijah Grayson JianYi D***, you certainly are a classic and I'm so blessed to be your Mommy!