Sweet baby Layne,
Wow! What a feeling, knowing that you are the baby of my baby, your Mom! It's really rather odd to look at you and know that I'm now a grandmother. Of course, you better not call me that sterile name, instead, I'd love to be called your Mimi!
Your Papa and I sat in the waiting room, anxious for news of your progress out of your mom, from 7 pm on Feb. 6th to 3:30 am Feb. 7th. Then we waited for 2 more hours, just for the pleasure to see your wonderful little face. It was a sweet time for us. A time that we reminisced about the births of your mom and your aunt and uncles. A time that we reaffirmed our deep love and devotion to one another. (He's a keeper, that Papa is!).
For a moment, he thought he would get some sleep. I soon made him realize differently. I needed someone to talk to. |
Your mom has always had the distinction of being the one that, according to just about everyone that we meet, looks just like me. I often refer to her as my "mini-me". As is true to form, her delivery of you had many similar instances to the delivery of my babies. About a week before you were born, she had already dilated and we knew you were busting outta there soon. She had a very quick delivery of you, that really began in earnest after they broke her water. Two hours later, she was holding the fulfillment of many of her childhood dreams. Also, like me, she's always wanted to be a mom!
When your Dad texted, "She's here", my heart skipped a beat, Papa and I hugged and I quickly wanted to know that my baby--your mommy was ok. There were several tense moments after I texted back, "and Anna?". Finally your mom sent me a text giving your weight--6 pounds 12 ounces. I figured if she could text, she must be ok. (Although, I'm not sure that is a fact. I do think that she could be on her deathbed, and she'd still be texting her last words!)
I waited patiently, for about a minute, and then I began wanting to see you. At one point, I texted your mommy and said, "I'm dying out here! When can I see her?" Finally, we were able to go and see you.
OH. MY. GOODNESS. GRACIOUS. How my heart overflowed with love for you, precious little one! I got to hold you and you kept right on sleeping. Your little body cuddled right into the crook of my arm. How beautiful you are. I drank in all of you, your tiny little pointy nose, your itty bitty ears, your slightly chubby cheeks, your dark hair, the D. family's mouth, the B. family's chin and your perfect little fingers and toes. Such a miracle! Such a wonderful gift from God!
About 2 hours old |
Now a family of 3! |
At last, I get my hands on her! |
Smitten Papa |
Love those hands! In ultrasounds, you always had your hands in your mouth. |
I can't wait to watch you grow. To play with you and see you giggle. I've got such big plans for us, dear little one. You are going to love to see Mimi, cause she's going to think the sun rises and sets in you! I've watched and learned from some pretty expert grandmothers--Nana (your great-grandmother), and my grandmother, your great-great grandmother, Brandon. I've been taking notes and now it's my turn!
I want you to grow and know Jesus. He's the answer to any problem you might have, and any joy you may experience all comes from Him. He loves you more than anyone else. I want to watch you learn to trust Him. I pray that I can help you know Him better and better. I will constantly pray that God will bless you, not in a way to spoil you, but to draw you closer to Him. I will pray for your future, that you will recognize and submit to His leading.
I love you, Miss Layne Elise S*******! I will always love you! There is nothing you can do that will change my love for you! I will always be there for you, as long as I am able. I'll be your cheerleader, your biggest fan. We're going to have so much fun!
Welcome to your family!