This Memorial Day was spent at the beach. Now, before visions of slow starting mornings, lounging at the beach or pool and generally relaxing come to mind, I must correct those misconceptions. This holiday was spent working, working, working!!
We tackled the chore of painting the entire fence around the pool and covering the pool deck with a special coating to prevent splintering and weathering for 15 years. It better work, I can't see me agreeing to do it again for another 15 years. It was quite a job. It took us most of the weekend and all of Monday to get the painting done. But, it really does look nice!
We had a couple of great helpers in Daniel and Cat.
This was Cat's second visit with us, after working so hard, I hope she'll come back! She and Daniel painted on the fence just as much as John and I did. So much so, we gave them the minivan and our credit card to go on a date.
While we did work, we also got to play a bit. Anna, Jamie, Layne, John and Sharon joined us on Saturday and Sunday.
We enjoyed the beach together.
Sharon didn't come until the evening, forcing John to pretend she was with him. |
On Saturday evening, everyone showed their love for me. I love to play games, so they humored me and we played "Family Feud". It was girls against guys. We both won 1 round. It was a lot of fun for me, and I think even my "game haters"(you know who you are) enjoyed themselves.
Generally, we just enjoyed being together.
Sunday night we went to our first Holden Beach summer concert. The town has a band playing at the pavilion every Sunday night.
Despite my aching fingers and shoulders, I really enjoyed this working Memorial Day! There was enough fun woven among the working to make it fun. That's the way things should always be. A little work…a little play.