Of course, we had to school, but Elijah enjoyed the sunny window seat for reading.
We took super long trips on the beach. The first day, Solomon went with us. He picked up sticks and ate the sand, which played great havoc on his digestive system for the next two days. So much so, that we left him at home for the other beach walks.
Dumb, dumb, sand eater...
The second walk we got to enjoy a show by close swimming dolphins.
Of course, we had our annual Valentine's Scavenger Hunt. New place led to new clues that often stumped the kiddos.
in the end...candy!!
The kids learned ping-pong. We had a family tournament with Dad being the winner. (of course)
The winner will do anything for a laugh...
It was a relaxing time and, for me, a promising time that spring is around the corner!!!