We visited New Brunswick and Fort Raleigh. It is a very interesting historic site. We had a great time exploring.
Then it was back to this beautiful sight. Winter sunsets are so very pretty!!
This was on my seat at church on New Year's Eve...
I'm claiming this promise for the new year!
We played lots of "Farkle", a gift from the Millers. We played it New Year's Eve. and had lots of junk food. The kids stayed up to see the new year ring in!
Like all years, 2018 had some wonderful moments and some horrible moments. God taught me that if he allows it in my life, he will get me through it. I also learned that God gives us grace sufficient for the current day, not to worry about being able to handle the future. We almost lost John, Jr. We did lose John's mom. We had some wonderful family times and we had some not so wonderful family times. John and I grew closer than ever. He is my rock, my partner and I am so blessed to be his wife and share this life with him! I pray that God will protect us throughout the new year and continue to bless us. I also pray that my whole family will be stronger and stronger in our faith and love of Jesus Christ.
Ready or not....here comes 2019.