Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Easter April 2021

The beach Easter tradition continues. Beth, Greg, Evie and Jude came with us. Sunrise service was cancelled because of Covid, but all of our traditions continued...
Mermaid hair, don't care
Too cold for everyone but Abbey and Evie

Easter egg cookies

Pure Joy!

Slime fail

Rice Krispie treats eggs


Thirty years young! April 2nd, 2021

My middle baby girl turned 30 this year! Amazing, it seems like just yesterday she was singing Betty Crocker and hamming it up for the camera whenever possible. Today, she is a wonderful homeschooling mom of 4, a business owner, and wonderful friend! I'm so very proud of you, Anna. I love you my baby girl! God has blessed you and I love seeing you bless him with your family.


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Abbey and Elijah do their things...March 2021

Due to Covid, masks are required for soccer and meets are broadcast virtually.
