She has done what M&Ms, Starbursts, lollipops, toys, begging and pleading could not do... make Abbey want to use the potty. This weekend Abbey wore training pants, and did pretty well with them. Several times she went on her own to the potty. We have promised Abbey that when she goes several days without accidents, then we will buy her some Dora the Explorer big girl panties. Dora and Kai Lan are the new obsessions with our little one. She would sit and watch for hours on end. I must admit, I do find this to be majorly helpful to me. Not that I've let her sit for hours, only 30 minutes here and there. This is the first time, since Abbey came home that I've been able to go upstairs and not be afraid that she will open the door and start to walk to Wal-Mart. So, I've become a big Dora and Kai Lan fan also!
Yay Dora, and double Yay for Abby! Honestly I think that if I let Caleb wear Dora panties he'd potty train too...