Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Bible According to Abbey

Abbey loves to read her books. It's amazing considering I used to have to hold her down and read really fast in order to get through a book.

Every night before bed, Abbey and I read some Bible stories. She has several memorized word for word. The other day I was unloading the dishwasher when Abbey came in with one of our Bible story books. She opened it and began to "read"...
"Goliath was a big man. He said, 'I'll fight you and beat you up'. Then Moses said,'Oh,no you won't!'" Then she turned it to the story of Jesus' birth and read, "They were so tired. But, there were not no place to go. So Jesus be borned with the animals."

Times like these are priceless, and make me realize how grateful I am to be home with my kids, so I don't miss out on little moments like this one.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I just love how kids sometimes alter the stories just ever so slightly...
    She is so precious and it is obvious that she is growing up to know Jesus Christ!
