Many times in the past I've had this same feeling. The unsettling feeling that God has something for me to do. Something...but I don't know what it is yet. The feeling goes between excitement and a bit of fear. Usually it means God has something new for me. Something that will take me out of my comfort zone, out of my little box.
I had this feeling before I began the children's church program at our then new church. I felt unsettled before God called me to become a small group leader to high school students. I felt this before I was asked to be the speaker at MOPS. I also had this feeling before we adopted both times. All of these times I was frightened to embark on each new journey, but through each and every one I saw God work in miraculous ways. I got to know God on a whole new level. My faith was continually strengthened each and every time.
I've been pondering, asking God to reveal what's next. I feel He was speaking to me through my Bible Study Fellowship study. We are studying Isaiah. Last week I read the verse, "Here I am, send me!" (Isaiah 6:8) Although, I must admit, that it was with a considerable amount of apprehension, I did say, "Ok, Lord, whatever it is, if you help me, I'm willing.
Then I read THIS BLOG POST, oh me, oh my, did it ever strike resonance in my heart! God's heart does break for the orphans around the world. So, I do feel that He is grooming me for some sort of ministry to orphans. But, what is it that He is calling me to do? I'm just not sure. So, I'm waiting. I know from past experience, that when the time is right, when He thinks I'm ready, He will reveal what all this turmoil in my soul is about.
One small thing that I know that John and I are called to do is to advocate for THIS ORGANIZATION. Orphan Voice is a team of people who are ministering to orphans and indigent children in Viet Nam and Myanmar. The founder, Tony Brewer, was the head of the adoption agency we used to bring our children home. He is such a humble, Godly man. (He and his wife are the parents of 5 adopted children.) This organization is doing wonderful things for these needy children, who will probably never be adopted. Through OV they are seeing Christ. If anyone reading this feels the need to help an organization, I can wholeheartedly recommend this one.
But, I still think God is speaking to my heart. I'll keep listening and walking by faith. I know that one day that still, small voice will be a loud and clear shout!
Note: I'm not writing this to make myself look super spiritual. That isn't my intent at all. First of all, I know way better! I know that I'm not anywhere near super spiritual. But, I'm writing it as a marker, something to look back on to trace how God orchestrated things. I've found that I'd forget these things, if I didn't write them down. Also, I've wanted to make people aware of Orphan Voice.
Waiting right beside you my friend. I'll pray for you guys as you listen for that still, quiet voice to reveal your role in the orphan crisis!