This Easter we developed some new traditions, while still partaking in a couple of old traditions. This year could be labeled the year of the hunt...egg hunt that is! The kids had a chance to participate in three egg hunts.
The first egg hunt was at a park with our homeschool group. It was quite blustery, cold and muddy. Of course, none of these little details bothered the kids.
clowning around with a friend |
with a few other egg hunters |
Elijah showing one of his treasures |
Abbey and her loot |
The next egg hunt took place at a church in our neighborhood. This was the first year we've participated. They had a lot going on and it was a lot of fun. They had face painting, bouncy thingys, a skateboarding demonstration and of course, the egg hunt.
The butterfly girl
(Elijah declined to have his face painted) |
On the quest of eggs
Sadly, the quest wasn't very fruitful. There were a lot of kids, so Abbey and Elijah only found 3 eggs between them.
Anna was working, so Layne got to experience her first egg hunt from the safety of Papa's arms.
This year, we decided to go to Easter service at our church on Saturday evening. We decided to leave the Sunday services for others and opted to celebrate on Saturday. It was a little strange not getting up on the actual Easter day and going to church, but I kind of liked it. We had time to have a special Easter breakfast and a leisure morning.
My special Easter pancakes~cross, tomb and stone.
That afternoon, we had our egg hunt in our yard.
During the afternoon, the kids took advantage of Daniel being home and played a rousing game of Trouble with him and their Daddy, while I cooked our dinner/late lunch.

Abbey didn't take advantage of no early church. She was so excited about it being Easter. At 7am, (which was an hour after she had woken up), she came in my room. I opened my eyes to see her beautiful eyes within inches of my face, and she whispered, "He has risen!" That was so neat that I couldn't scold her for waking me so early. Instead, I had to reply, "He has risen indeed!" What a precious moment! It dawned on me that this was what this day was all about. What a privilege to share this with her!
But, that early rising certainly took its toll on Abbey. She did something she hasn't done since she was a wee little one, she fell asleep at dinner.
She didn't even finish her yummy chocolate pie.
All that egg huntin' can surely wear a little body out!!
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