Abbey has asked to play soccer on several occasions. This summer she got her chance. I signed her up to play with the Salvation Army. I had heard that they had a program that wasn't very intense nor expensive. We got her cleats and shin guards and she was ready to go!
That is until the first practice. It was on a hot August day. Elijah and I were sweltering on the bleachers watching the little boys and girls run willy-nilly with no purpose. After a little while, Abbey comes to me and complains, "I'm hot!" I told her we all were hot, but she wanted to play soccer, so she needed to get back to it. The afternoon of her 3rd practice, life hit and I just wasn't able to get her to practice. As I apologized to her, she was really indifferent. The next practice, she begged not to go, and then it got cancelled because of the weather. I really thought that once she got to play in a real game she would enjoy it.
I thought wrongly..
She seemed ready right before..
and during warm up...
she listened during the pregame devotion...
but once the game started, I didn't see any glee...
You could tell she just wasn't into it while she had to wait to play...
So that ended Abbey quest for soccer stardom. A few days later I mentioned the next game. She emphatically let me know that under no circumstances did she want to play soccer. Her words exactly were, "God gave me a talent and it is not soccer!" Well, all righty then, Missy, "What is your talent?"
What do you guess she replied???
Here's a hint...
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