Wednesday, April 5, 2017

New Year's Eve and Day 2016-2017

We spent New Year's Eve and Day at the beach.
That evening was spent rather quietly.
The kids had some pre-midnight snacks.

John and I watched a movie

The weather was a little chilly, but that didn't stop us from walking and walking and walking. We walked down to the pier to see the Polar Plunge.

Abbey made John promise they would participate next year!

The other day we walked to the end of the island.

They had been dredging the beach and it is now so wide.
Solomon loved frolicking on the expanse.

He also loves being on the look out and alerting us if anyone happens to walk by our house.  He really gets going if they happen to have a dog!

Because of the dredging, shell collecting is super easy!

My Jr. photographer took a great picture of her little brother.

The sunset was beautiful

Welcome 2017!!

Another year the Lord has given us. I know His plans are good, so I look forward to seeing what they are!

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