Sunday, November 12, 2017

Family Reunion and a night out

My parents and my aunt have been talking about having a family reunion for a couple of years. Finally they settled upon the date of June 11. It was an incredibly big day for my folks, they worked for weeks making sure everything was just so!

We gathered in their backyard to celebrate our family as we are all descendents, or married to descendents of this guy...

Thomas Hansard Raney (my great-grandfather on my Dad's side). This picture was taken when he was 18 yrs old. cc mid 1800's

It was a good day to catch us with some folks I haven't seen in a very long time. Everyone, except for Daniel, in my crew was there. Daniel was moving from Georgia after working at UGA's swim camp.

There was tons of food!

I designed and made this cake.

Lots of family time...

With my cousins Anne and Lewis. My other cousin, Walt, couldn't make it.

We tried to get a picture of my three grandchildren. One of them, (who shall remain nameless is a photo-challenge).

 Not to be outdone, Evie decided taking a picture was a tiring experience.

Finally one where they were all, sort of, looking at the camera!
All three are such bundles of joy. Who cares if they are a photographer's nightmare!

My mom had been begging for Abbey and Elijah to spend the night with her. John and I were invited to a non-child friendly wedding that evening. So, we asked Mom if she'd like to keep the kids. Of course, she said, "Yes!"

Abbey started texting me before I could get on the highway, telling me how much she missed me. It made my heart feel good that she loved me that much, but it also broke my heart a little to leave her. I couldn't help buy think about how far she had come from the little beauty from China who didn't give a hoot nor holler if I left her or not. She knows and returns the love of her Mom and Dad!

Didn't want Dad to leave either.

The wedding was a formal affair. John and I cleaned up pretty well. We had a blast. We ate, drank (not in excess), and danced, danced, and danced some more! It was a really fun night!

 I really liked my $20 dress bargain!

In the end, we picked A and E up in the am and they were just fine, even having enjoyed themselves a bit, I think!


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