Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Off into the hinterland of Vietnam

With out work in Danang done, we headed out of the city and into the country side to see first hand a couple of Orphan Voice's other ministries: The Therapy Center, The School for the Deaf and Another Therapy center.

The 2 hour ride was amazing. We got to see the real Vietnam, not the tourist attraction Vietnam. The land is beautiful, rural and uncivilized. At one point, we had a runaway cow come barreling down the road headed straight for us!

 All of the restaurants are outside. We ate at one like this when we arrive in Tam Ky

 These are tombs which have shrines built above them. Ancestor worship is the predominant religion in Vietnam. The burial process is very lengthy, involving 2 burials!

 Motorcycles are everywhere! You see whole families riding together.

Our first stop was the Hope Therapy Center. Orphan Voice opened this center recently There is a physical therapist from the states that has raised support and has committed to working there for 2 yrs. She goes out into the countryside and identifies children who are good candidates for physical therapy. She lets them know about the center and the fact that the moms and kids can actually spend the night at the center, as some have to travel quite a ways to get there.

From there, we traveled to Tom Ky. We spent the night in Tom Ky. Our hotel was gorgeous, but a bit on the warm side.

We went to one of those open aired restaurants that I pictured above. They only served one thing, this bowl of noodles and the flat cracker like thing.

 After eating, we walked to a huge park that was across from our hotel. There was government propaganda being piped over a loud speaker. They had hoverboards and little electric cars that you could ride for $1/min. John and the kids rode one.

The next morning, we went to the country side to Orphan Voice's School for the Deaf and another therapy center.

 At the therapy center we prayed for the kids, visited with the moms/grandmoms and connected with the kids in whatever way we could.
 This precious little one was my good friend until I refused to let her have my phone, then she hit me and pushed me away!
 This fellow has a sharp mind within a mangled body. He loved watching John play "Temple Run"

I was so proud of Abbey! We knew Elijah would have no problem connecting with people, as he has a friendly demeanor and has never met a stranger. Abbey is much more reserved. She really stepped out of her comfort zone on this trip. She hopped right in and began talking with the therapy kids. She also bonded with the kids of our team.

Ed Sheeran has international appeal!

Next door to the therapy center is the school for the deaf. My good friend, Julia, sent a huge supply of school goods, which I brought with me. The teachers were so grateful to have them. At the deaf school, the kids conversed, as usual, the language proved no barrier at all. At one point, they were all doing the "Macarena". Amazing, the deaf kids followed right along!

As we were leaving, I spotted this "mascot" perched above the entrance. It was bigger than my hand....ewwww!!

We headed back to Danang. We made a stop at Hoi An. The is an ancient seafaring town, which has been preserved and turned into a major shopping/ tourist attraction. I bought all my souvenirs here.

 Funny sign at a bar.
 We had our first Locust Tea. It was soo very hot at Hoi An, and this drink was extremely refreshing and yummy.
 John's a fan!

 At night, the lanterns are lit along with the boats.


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