Thursday, August 22, 2024

Backtracking...Abbey's baptism, November 2020

I wanted to make sure I had a copy of Abbey's baptism testimony:

I grew up in a Christian house, so I was familiar with the Bible and its stories, but I didn’t take it as truth until I was about 12 years old. 

 Before I became a child of God, I always felt like I had no worth nor place in this world. I felt like I wasn’t secure and that I didn’t belong. 

 Swimming has always been a huge part of my life. I started swimming right after I was adopted from China at 10 months.  I started competing when I was 3 years old on a summer swim team. I then started year-round swimming when I was 9. I swim every day for at least an hour and a half and during the middle of my training season, I swim twice a day. 

  But, when I was 11 I started having chest pains, shortness of breath and I blacked out during practices. This kept going for about a few weeks and then we went to the doctor. They told me that I had this fluid around my heart that could possibly kill me if I didn’t stop swimming for a little bit. I had to drop out of swimming for about 3 months. During this three months, I became extremely depressed and I felt like my life was worthless. I basically did nothing, but stay inside and do homeschool, read etc. I didn’t get to see any friends and I felt extremally lonely. 

   When I finally was able to get back in swimming, I was beyond thrilled to be back in the water. Then after about a week, I realized how behind everyone I was and how hard it was to come back. I felt like it was all on me to get myself back to where I was before I had to stop swimming. 

During this time of struggling to get back, I went to my first youth group meeting. Micah talked about the sermon and then asked anyone if they felt like they were not a Christian and would like to become one. I raised my hand and a youth leader prayed with me. Once I confessed my sins to the Lord, I felt like the huge weight I had been carrying around for the longest time had been lifted off of me. I gave all my problems to God and trusted him with everything. 

 It was still a struggle to get back to where I was for swimming, but what was different, was that I trusted that God would help me get back. I did get back to where I was and when I did, all I could think about was how God helped me get to this place. 

 Almost every day I think about how God healed me and helped me through everything. I feel secure in my faith and I know that Jesus died for my sins so that I will have eternal life with him in heaven. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength”- Philippians 4:13, is a verse I recite to myself at every swim meet. I know God is there for me always and he will never leave my side. 

 I want to be baptized to proclaim my faith in Jesus and to show to my friends, family and church the new life he has given me.


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