Friday, April 23, 2010

"Oh, he's so cute!"

Yes, that would be a worm she is speaking about. A slimy, squirmy, freshly dug worm, which I'm pretty sure, has never in his wormy life been described as cute!! (Unless it was by his mommy worm)

But, my girl thinks worms are cute. In fact, she runs to the flower bed to turn over the bricks and look for worms every time we go out in the front yard. 

Now, I'm not one to touch worms much less think they are cute. But, I'm trying not to tarnish Abbey's love of nature. She comes up to me and pokes this gelatinous creature in my face and says, "Don't you like worms, Mommy?"  I paste on my best smile to cover the grimace I feel, and say, "Yes, Abbey, I like worms in the ground where they belong, so they can do their job which God made them for."

I pat myself on the back, and breathe a sigh of relief that she didn't ask me to hold it,  as I watch the "cute" worm go back under the brick!

That's my baby girl...lover of worms!

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for worms! I used to help my Dad catch fat, long night-crawlers after a summer rain at night with a flashlight. Then we'd use them to go fishing! Great memories.
