Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Birthday, John, Jr.

 Our second born celebrated his 23rd birthday this past Saturday. Because he wanted to catch up with his friends from school, we celebrated on Friday, so he could go to Wilmington on Sat. He chose to eat in and have steak, mashed potatoes and green beans. He chose plain yellow cake, with no icing and a new dessert I've only made once before.(It is quite yummy, even if I do say so myself!).

 Standing up to wish John a Happy Birthday

As I've mentioned before, John is living with us for the summer. At first, it was a big adjustment for him, but he seems to have settled in nicely... ie. he can now snooze right through the early morning shenanigans of a toddler and a preschooler. He's been very busy at the pool. Everyone that I've talked to says he is doing a wonderful job. (Of course, I don't think they would complain to his mother, but they don't have to say anything.) When he's not there, he's playing music, either guitar or drums. He's quite a music junkie.  I think it is a bit unsettling to him not to know what he will be doing when the summer is over. He has a couple of job prospects, but nothing solid; and nothing that he'd want to make a career out of.  I pray that God will make it unmistakably clear which direction he needs to go in the next phase of his life.

When I look at this young man, I still see a little boy who bought me a ring out of a machine and would bring it to me to wear whenever I was going somewhere (I still have it). I see a kind hearted little one who would hide behind a chair because a movie, (ET), made him cry. I see a mischievous teenager who sent me to my knees constantly praying for his safety, because he was certain he was invincible.  I see a young man that will make a great husband and father one day. I see a son that I love dearly and can't wait to see what he will become!

Happy Birthday
I love you John William!!!

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