Monday, August 23, 2010

Layla says, "Pass the corn on the cob, please."

Layla, our chocolate lab,  is known around our house as the living vacuum cleaner. She will eat anything she can get in her mouth. She doesn't just love to eat, she lives to eat and is constantly on the prowl for someone's abandoned food. Even if they didn't mean to abandon it, in Layla's eyes, if you leave it, it is hers. Of course, she loves every type of food, so I knew she would like corn. The amazing thing is that she ate it off of the cob. I'm not talking about taking a bite of the cob and eating the whole thing, she actually nibbled the corn off of the cob!

Here she is starting to nibble

Moving down to the end

Pretty amazing, huh?? I'm just surprised she didn't try to floss when she was done.


  1. That is hilarious! I think I'm more surprised that you actually fed her the corn.
    We had a horse that would hold a plastic up in his mouth and turn it back to drink sweet tea.

  2. Pretty impressive! We're not allowed to feed A.J. table food (although I'm a tad bit "un"submissive in that area-gasp!). I don't think he'd go for corn, though. He typically ignores all fruits and vegetables dropped on the floor but he sure gets excited when Nadia lets a few PB&J crumbs fall to the ground.
