Tonight our family participated in Nightwalk for Orphans for Bring Me Hope. Bring Me Hope is a Christian organization that ministers to orphans in China. They are conducting camps in China this summer for orphans. Many of the orphans that attend these camps actually live on the streets in China. It is so sad but true! For a little while these kids are able to have fun and be a kid. Tonight, in the US, Australia and Canada people walked for an hour to bring attention to this ministry. Orphans in China were walking at the same time. Before we began our walk, we had a conference call with the orphans in China. They sang us 2 songs. One in English and one in Mandarin. We had around 28 people walk in our group. Of course, money is needed to send an orphan to camp. It cost $125 to send an family group(2 orphans, a translator and counselor) to camp. As of today, they said that the walks had raised enough money to send 150 orphans to camp. People can still donate by going to their website: . In order for the orphans to join us, we had to walk at 10 pm our time, 10am China time. Abbey made it through the whole walk and crashed as soon as she had her pajamas on.
Our group

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