Oh, What a Wonderful Weekend!
I had the most wonderful weekend. All of my children were in the same house for a night, and there was no arguing.(Another proof there is a God! Just kidding, they actually get along pretty well) My parents even came to share the day with us. In the evening, after dinner, we went to Starbucks for coffee (whip cream for Abbey). We then went home and played, "Apples to Apples". We had a great time. I got to spend some time talking with the older two and getting an update on their lives. All 5 of them made me feel very special. They gave me a certificate for a deluxe pedicure. When I woke up, I had a note painted on the kitchen door and my car windows were painted. Nothing like driving in a car that says you are the best Mom in the world! After church, and a nap, we went for a long walk to the park. What a wonderful weekend! My kids are the best! Times like these, I just stop and thank God for these precious human beings(and for their Dad, also)! Even though, this week was pretty near perfect, there was that little nagging in the back of my mind that someone was missing. Eli, I can't wait until I can spend a Mother's Day with you!

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