Last week, our oldest baby, Beth turned 24! As I type that, I think, no way, that can't be right? Wasn't it just yesterday she was crying for us to put her "W" quilt on just the right way, or she was singing her made up song, "I want you to be mine, baby. Now I want you to behave now girl...", or she was writing a novel at the age of 8, or she was starting high school and thought she knew everything, or she was crying because the boy she had a blind date with looked like one of the Wizard of Oz's muchkins, or she was elated to be going to UNC-CH, or she was graduating from UNC, or we were both crying as she packed a moving van to move to the big job in the big city. Time doesn't just fly by, it zooms by so fast that we blink and things change. Thank the Lord for cell phones. We talk to her every few days. We are so proud of her and love her deeply. It is fun to watch her find herself, and for us to see how she changes as she grows up.
For Beth's birthday this year, she had to work. On the weekend, she came to Chapel Hill to attend a friend's bachelorette party, so we met her and spent the day there. We took her out to eat and walked around the campus. It then began to pour down rain. So, everyone but me and Beth stayed in the car. Beth and I went to her favorite store, Ross. They don't have a Ross where she lives, and she surely does miss the adventure of hunting for the bargains. She gets that love from her dear old Mom. All in all, it was a great day. But, it also makes us realize how much we miss Beth.

At the Old Well

On the wall at Franklin St.

At the Planetarium Sundial

Beth telling Abbey that one day she will go to school here.

The Thinker?

Kissing on the kissing bench

Beth bought Abbey this puppy. She named it, "My Beth"
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