The birthday month is here!! February is the month that brought me, Elijah and Layne into the world. We each had a turn being celebrated this year.
Layne's birthday is the 7th and begins the birthday tributes. She turned 5 this year.
This year she had a "Descendants", birthday party.
My creation:
We all went to Layne's house to celebrate her big day. It was a wonderful family time. All of my kids were there, along with John's and my parents!
Lyra thought the photo booth mustache looked tasty.
Another one of my grand beauties.
Sweet, sweet Wavey-boo!
Nana B. gave Layne an itty bitty camera. Here she is taking the picture of her friends.
The present of the day was from her mom and dad...
Onyx the bunny.
Then there was a pinata.
Miss Layne is growing a developing so very fast. She is so very smart, writes many letters as well as sounding quite a few out. She so wants to be just like her Aunt Abbey. She's smart, funny and very fiesty. Just a wonderful joy to be around!
Next up... on the 20th, me!
My birthday was a bit of a bummer, grownup responsibilities stole some of the fun. I had a TSA meeting on the night of my birthday. John did buy me a cake from my favorite bakery and paid for a pair of UGGs that I had ordered. We later went out to eat at my favorite Chinese restaurant. None of my kiddos forgot to call me!
This cake will literally last me about a year. I slice it and place it in the freezer. Two weeks before my birthday, I finished last year's cake.
Next up...on Feb 22, my E-man!
Elijah turned 10 this year. He patiently waited to have his remote control birthday party until March when it would hopefully be warmer outside.
Birthday breakfast in bed...(we had Bible Study, so he couldn't tary)
Pizza was the dinner of choice. (Elijah chose to go to a Hurricane's game with John instead of going out to eat)
He wanted a cookie cake that he could decorate himself.
He got a hockey goal and razor ripster for his birthday.
Elijah's birthday wouldn't be his unless it had a car"ish" theme.
Designing cars from jello, marshmallows and blueberries
A cul de sac is great for a boy's birthday party.
Pinata time!
Elijah has grown so much this year. Everyday after school, he's off to find neighborhood friends to play with. A favorite game is street hockey. He's more at home on his bike, than off of it. He loves to sleep and often has to be called many times before he will get up. He's still very social and all grown ups love him. He's never met a stranger. He repurposes a lot of his toys. I'm always finding bits and pieces of toys as he disassembles them and puts them to different uses. He's very obedient and care for those with less than he has. He's such a special young man!
So...on to March!