February is the birthday month in our family. Layne's is the 7th, mine is the 20th and Elijah's is the 22nd.
Because their family went to Disney World on Layne's actual birthday, she did not have a party. So, when they returned from Disney, Layne came to spend the day with us and celebrate her special day, a little late.
We went to see the Lego Movie 2 and let her go to Target and pick out her birthday present.
We then had a birthday celebration for her.
We had some special "cuddle" time...which I loved!
We made some crafts
and went out for Chinese food after church.
This oldest grandchild of mine is an amazing young lady. She's already reading simple words and doing simple math. She's soo very perceptive. She is quite sensitive, though and will get upset pretty easily. I love being around her and talking to her. She's such an old soul.
Next birthday was Elijah's....
For his birthday breakfast, he ordered ice cream with whip cream and chocolate syrup.
For his family celebration, he wanted a cookie cake.
The next Saturday, he had a bowling birthday party.
My baby boy is so very special. He is such a social butterfly. All of our nearby neighbors know him. When I want to know what's going on with someone in the neighborhood, all I have to do is ask Elijah. He gets on his bike everyday and makes his rounds. If any of the neighborhood kids are available, they assemble with him in the cut-de-sac and play, skate and ride bikes. A favorite game is "spy", which they use walkie talkies for. Elijah's theme is still cars. He can give you model numbers for most cars. Often I get upset with him, as he attempts to repurpose his toys. He will take them apart and use them somewhere else. I often find broken, dismembered toys lying around. Elijah is incredibly bright, and does pretty well in school, yet he certainly doesn't enjoy it! He's fiercely loyal to his family and when one of them is upset, he feels it deeply! I love this sensitive young man!
Next is your's truly's birthday.
We celebrated at home with my favorite kind of cake.
So the birthday train ran strong during the month of February!