Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Easter 2019~ April 18-21

This Easter, as in years past, we spent at the beach. Beth, Greg, Evie and John, Jr. joined us.

The weather was gorgeous, and we got to enjoy our first foray of the season.

The highlight of this year was the fact that John, Jr. was with us. A year ago God performed an Easter miracle regarding John. I couldn't help but remember the Easter sunrise service of 2018 and how down I felt. When we returned home, we got our miraculous news! It was so very wonderful to be able to have him with us this year. I loved praising God with him, knowing where he was a year ago.

The moon on one side.

 It was pretty chilly, but that was ok, my heart was quite warm!

Making resurrection biscuits.

Filling Easter eggs for our hunt

and the hunt is on....

Another highlight was Beth and Greg sharing with Evie that she was going to be a big sister. They put the ultrasound into an egg. She opened it and said, "Is it a bear?" Beth replied, "No, it's a baby. Do you know where the baby is? It's in my tummy!" Evie's expression was priceless. She replied, "Are you kidding me? I've waited so very long!" I was so thankful to be able to witness this, it was super sweet. She was given a "big sister" shirt which she wore every day.

Helping Mimi make cinnamon rolls.

It was freezing to me, but not to the young...(and the young at heart)
 Taking a break for a little technology time

performing on stage at the pavilion

Beaches and Cream is open again!!

Electronic time...
 Lovely view

Next Easter, we will celebrate with a new little one!


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