Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Somebody's birthday

Somebody had a birthday a couple of weeks ago. It's someone we all know. This young, well, young at heart, gal doesn't like to be public about her age. Maybe it's because so many of her friends are so much younger, maybe it's because she's supposed to be wise by this age, and she's not quite there, or maybe her age just sounds so darn, well, OLD! Whatever the reason, she doesn't announce her birthday. She does really relish having her family together, though. So this not-so-old girl's husband cooked up a plan to surprise her and have all of her children together for an hour or two to celebrate her birthday. Yes, she really does have a sweety-pie for a husband. (As long as you're not part of a team playing Carolina in any sport. Then he's liable to not be so sweet to you).

Her daughter who lives far away in the big, big city, was coming to visit her sister-the new mother, so conveniently she could be there. Her two boys who live sort of far away drove just to wish her happy birthday and share a birthday dinner. They took a round trip of 4 hours, just to fulfill one of their Mom's greatest desires.

Mr. Sweetie-pie husband arranged for the boys, and the new parents to show up at the restaurant where the rest of the family was going to share a meal after getting the older daughter from the airport.

Since Mr. Sweetie pie husband has trouble hiding anything from his adoring wife, she was a little suspect and not at all surprised when the new parents walked in.

Buuuut, it was a whole different story when the boys from W-town showed up. The birthday girl recognized the time and effort it took for them to show up just for a little while, purely to wish their Mom happy birthday, along with the effort her darling husband put forth to arrange it with everyone's complicated schedules. She had to blink to hide her tears.

It was such a sweet night, having all of her kiddies and hubby around, talking and eating together--the best gift ever!

Hubby has lots of talents, but photography isn't one of them.

But the birthday continued on for a couple of days. Mom and Dad came to visit and take her out to eat.

On her actual birth date she enjoyed gifts from the girls, including this precious picture!

So sweet!

They also went to Starbucks, as the older girl's treat, and had some great conversation.

So, this birthday girl had a multiple day celebration, where she felt the love of her family very strongly, and that's the best present ever!


  1. Happy Birthday! I agree--the best gift would be to have all the kids (and now the 1 grandchild) together to celebrate! VERY sweet! Hubbie points for John! :)

  2. Happy birthday somebody!
    I'm blessed to be on that friend roll of yours. :)
