Monday, June 29, 2015

Beth escapes the wintery north

It's been a hard winter in the northern part of our land. This has hit Beth pretty hard. She loves temperate conditions and they've had very little in the way of temperate and much in the way of "boo-chilly"

She fought back by coming to the sunny south twice within a few weeks.

The first visit coincided with John's birthday. It was a special treat for him to have his oldest be here to celebrate.

Evie Claire loved the cake

and I love Evie Claire

and she loves her Mommy

Papa had the joy of having both of his grandbabies with him (Waverly wasn't born yet)

 Layne loves her Papa

We went to the beach for a few days

Evie adores the beach

John teaches Abbey a little about fishing.

There was a festival at the bridge down from our house. The aquarium brought sea critters to be touched.

There were games to play

Bouncing to be done

Face painting

Back at our house, the water was a little too chilly, but Evie enjoyed a dry float

 After a storm....

Beth's next visit allowed us to be a part of her birthday

The weather at the beach this trip was beautiful!

Evie got to play in the ocean.

She has zero inhibitions about the ocean. (It was still too cold for Mimi)

Water, is the draw for Evie. It doesn't matter if it's in the ocean or the pool

Some people would rather be a land lubber

This weekend filled me with promise that summer was indeed on it's way!


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