Thursday, July 9, 2015

Keeping it safe!

When Daniel had to decide whether to come home and coach for our local summer league team this past February, it was a difficult decision for him. He loved coaching, but he had dreamed of being a beach lifeguard. He also wanted to train uninterruptedly through the summer. After a bit of deliberation and prayer, he told the swim team of his youth, "Sorry, but I'm going to pursue my dream of ocean lifeguarding and trying to qualify for Olympic Trials".

He anxiously awaited the ocean rescue tryouts. He sailed through the tryouts. So much so that they posted about him on Instagram.

Needless to say, he achieved his goal and is now working everyday keeping the beaches safe!

He's enjoying the intense training and adrenaline rushing job.

Abbey and Elijah enjoy having their big brother play in the ocean with them, while we stopped in and visited him, after his shift was over.

But, they surely do miss having him home for the summer, as do I!


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