Thursday, January 30, 2020

Daniel and Sara are possibly going in a new direction...

Daniel had been looking at other job opportunities that would advance his career. He had not really found anything, so he figured he'd be in Asheville another year.....But God....

brought an opportunity to his door. The University of West Virginia were looking an assistant swim coach. One of the coaches at UGA encouraged Daniel to apply. He did, then they had a phone interview and WVU promptly wanted to fly Daniel and Sara to Morgantown, WV! Their heads were spinning. The job would be a step up for Daniel.

I knew the writing was on the wall, when Sara contacted the hospital and they set up an interview for her on the same day.

Here they are the night before they left for WV. John, Jr. came to see them, too.

They went to WVU and came back and spent the night with us. The interview went really well, in fact, Sara was offered a job at the hospital!

We went to church together, and of course, the sermon spoke right to them. I knew then that my boy and my future daughter in law would be moving to WV. Both he and Sara thought the same thing. They shared some tears that day, as they both love Asheville, and WV is a whole lot further from home.

He did get offered the job and moved the beginning of August. It's been a big adjustment for both of them. They aren't overly fond of Morgantown, but over the past 5 months they have grown and are beginning to get their bearings. They both know God has them where he has them for a reason. It will be fun to see how he moves in their lives.

(This is written in January, as I'm woefully behind in my documenting)


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