Two weeks before Memorial Day, John's cousin told him that he thought John's mom was getting ready to die. The next weekend, we went to see her and indeed, she made it known that she felt she would not last much longer. We went to visit with Anna and see Lib. Abbey, John and I went to her house. Indeed, she basically said she was on her couch and had no intention of leaving it alive. We all said our goodbyes. I told her how thankful I was for the gift of her son. How he was the best gift I had ever been given. She got teary eyed, and John has said that she told several people how much that meant to her. I didn't do it for that reason, it is completely true. I know it wasn't easy for her to let go of John. As a mom, I totally get it! But, I'm so very glad that she did and that she allowed him to emotionally leave his parents and cleve to me! I'm also grateful that I had the opportunity to let her know!
Lib took Abbey aside and told her that she loved her and that she was just as much her grand daughter as any of the other grandchildren. Abbey had tears in her eyes. I hope she never forgets that her Grandma loved her! (Elijah chose not to go with us, he stayed with Anna).
We left home wondering if this was indeed the end of a 91 yr old life. John arranged for hospice to check in once a day, so he was relieved that she was taken care of.
For the Memorial holiday we went to the beach. Beth, Greg and Evie came with us.
Lady Godiva....
We had only been there one day, when John's uncle called and said his mom was freaking out, unable to breathe. John called hospice and the nurse, after checking her, said that Lib was "actively dying". John promptly left the beach to head to Winston Salem. He stayed until Sunday then came back to the beach, but his mind and heart were still in Winston, so much so that he left the beach and went straight to Winston. I stayed with the kids and we came home without John.
Elijah's friend, Cameron, was visiting his grandparents and Elijah got to spend some time with him.
Abbey spent time surfing and hanging out with her friend, Lily.
John stayed with his mom until the end. Beth and Anna spent some time with her before she went to heaven. John was with her when she drew her last breath, on June 1st. Such a hard time, which was intensified with in fighting among some family members.
There was a small graveside service to honor Elizabeth "Lib" Roberson Dixon Dozier, AKA Grandma--10/25/26-06/1/2018.
When Waverly got out of the car at the church graveyard, she said, "This not heaven! Grandma went to heaven. Why is she here?"

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