Sitting at the computer back in May, I sighed heavily. John noticed and asked me what was wrong. I told him that I had been looking at Facebook and missed Beth and felt like she missed us. He said, "Go." As we discussed it some more, we reasoned that since we don't have overnight childcare for Ab and Elijah, we would "divide and conquer". I'd go now and he would go in the fall.
The next thing I knew I was kissing my little ones (and big ones) goodbye and I was on a plane to New York City! My previous post already detailed my reception by my beloved grand-dog. I think her mommy was quite happy to see her mom also. After getting my stuff in the building, Bella, Beth and I went walking. Beth showed me some places close to her apartment.
Beth and Greg's apartment building |
With Bella at a nearby park on the Hudson River |
Time got away from us and we had to really rush through dinner, which Beth cooked, in order to get to the show they had gotten us tickets to.
I loved it! One of my favorite things in the world to do is watch musicals. I rarely get a chance, so this was a neat treat for me.
After the musical, we walked through Times Square and down to Greg's office. We then sat in a park and people watched.
The next morning, I got to sleep in. All four of us slept until 10! I can't remember the last time I slept uninterrupted until 10! Boy did that feel great! I was ready to greet the day. I love to people watch and see how people "do life". I got lots of chances to do just that.
Street flea market |
Not really sure where we were? |
These apartments are dated pre-civil war and sell for an astronomical amount of money! |
We went to a Chinese restaurant. The food was very good. It was Sichuan, thus very spicy. The food reminded me of our trip to get Abbey. They even had a "hot pot" going in the back. I haven't seen that since Chongqing. We trekked back to their apartment and got ready to go to a concert in Central Park
Kurt Vile and Dawes |
After the concert, we walked around. Beth and Greg had some late-night pizza, then we got a cab back to their apartment.
Sunday brought a rushed brunch and then it was time for me to get to the airport. As usual, it was hard saying goodbye.
Right before I left |
I loved my peek into the life of a couple of young, native New Yorkers. I find that kind of lifestyle fascinating. (John tells me I should have been an anthropologist) I loved visiting my baby girl and my son in law. They made me feel ever so welcome to be there. It was hard to leave, but I knew that I was needed back home. Anna texted me that Abbey told her, "I want my Mommy to come home and never leave again!" Although she missed me, she readily admits that she had a blast with Daddy while I was gone.
It's neat that now when I talk to Beth I have a mental picture of where she is. I just wish it didn't take a plane ride to get there!