Sunday, November 4, 2012

If You Have To Take Your Kids on Saturday Errands...

Inspired by the book, "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie".....

If you have to take your kids with you for Saturday errands, then you will have to listen to them complain about being bored. When they get so bored that one of them starts doing ballet moves in the store, and those aforementioned ballet moves knock cans off of a shelf, which then makes you force your not so graceful ballerina to wedge her long legs and size 6 body in a "driving basket" designed for a size 4 child, because you've asked her to save her ballet for later.  Which then causes the smaller child, who loves his "driving basket", to not like having to share with his towering sibling and thus begins to loudly voice his objections. The older sibling then has to interject her objections about having no room. All this commotion will invariably make you loose your grip on your precious "super double" coupons and they will go floating like fall leaves all over the aisle. You will then have to get on your hands and knees to look under a shelf for the elusive high value coupon that you must have. All the while, you are glancing behind and sideways to make sure that no one you know sees you. (Realizing, that if they do know you, they would not find it strange to see you down on all fours looking for a coupon worth four dollars.) Finding the valuable coupon, you then continue shopping, finishing just as quickly as you can. When you get home and unload the groceries, the offending ballerina asks you to hold her. You pick up that size 6 body and hoist it to your hips to stable your arms. While you're holding this bundle of joy, she gazes in your eyes and declares.....

"When I'm with you, I feel happy!"

So when this precious little girl makes such a declaration your heart melts, you totally forget the disaster at the store and you thank the good Lord above for giving you the opportunity to take your kids on Saturday errands!!

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