Saturday, June 26, 2010

Abbey's 3rd gotcha anniversary! June 25

Three years ago, after a 18 month wait, our hearts were overjoyed with gratitude and love for this little girl.

It was love at first sight
For Me

and John

We knew that something wonderful had happened to our family

Now she's grown up so much, as has our love for her. She is such a joy, a dynamo who marches to the beat of her own drum

She brightens our lives, (and keeps us on our toes), every day!

We love you more than words can say, Abigail Grace FuXin!!!

This "Gotcha Day" is also special because we got to share it with five of the girls who also met their families on that day, as part of A Helping Hand's travel group 63.  We met in New York today to spend the weekend together celebrating the precious gifts we have been given.

Abbey, Ellie's Mom, Ellie, Esther, Elizabeth and Dorina

I'll be sharing more about our weekend in later posts.

1 comment:

  1. Those five girls together sure is a sweet sight! How special that you guys got to celebrate such a special day together!
