Friday, July 29, 2011

You just never know...

What's going through their minds!

Abbey loves to draw and color. She has just recently started writing words. She will ask me to spell a word and she will write it. She has a notebook that she doodles in quite a bit.

The other day she asked me how to write, "God".  After spelling it out, I asked to look at her pictures.
This is what I saw.

I asked her to explain and she told me that her drawing was God watching over Abbey  and the second one was God watching over Elijah.

Pretty cool, isn't it?



  1. Wow! She really gets it doesn't she? How often I forget that God really is watching over me and yet she sees it as an absolute! Wonderful.

  2. I like the happy smiles on Abbey's and God's face. "But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you."
    Psalm 5:10-12
