My better half turned 51 on April 23rd.
The Wallflowers with Jakob Dylan (Bob's son), opened for Clapton. I believe he sings much better than his dad. Of course, there are many who love Dylan's voice. I just happen to not be one of them.
John was so excited and that made me happy. We had a great time going to the show. He can mark that off of his list now.
The concert was a few weeks before John's actual birthday. On his actual birthday we had a dinner with Anna, Layne, Abbey and Elijah.
John chose to have strawberry shortcake for his cake this year.
This Pa-Pa absolutely adores his grand-daughter. He relishes every moment that he gets to be with her. (She has no shortage of folks wanting to love on her when she's here. We all have to wait in line.)
This is one of the things that I adore about my husband. He loves, loves, loves his kids and grandkids. He adores when they are all home. John becomes like Tigger bouncing off the walls when our kids are home. This is one of the many things I love and am thankful for about my husband. People think that I'm the reason we have 6 kids. It may have been my idea to have a mini-tribe, but my husband likes being a chief just as much as I do. He recognizes how fleeting the time is when they are small. He also recognizes just how fast life zooms by for us all. He nor I, neither one, can believe that we are as old as we are. We've really grown up together. He's the glue to my life. There is no one on this earth I'd rather spend time with. I love his silly jokes and the little songs he makes up. Although sometimes one gets stuck in my mind and drives me crazy. His latest, sung to a country sounding tune:
Put your hair up there,
put your hair up there,
put your hair up there.
Or else it'll fall out like mine.
He made this up while washing the kids hair during bath times which he takes on on weekends.
John adds the life to our home. Whether it's contributing to a rousing game of Trouble, Hide and Seek, or playing the guitar and singing, he's the life of our party. He plays hard, but he also works hard. He is one of the most diligent workers you'll ever meet. His hard work has allowed me to stay home with all of our kids. I'm certainly grateful for that!
My husband's integrity is paramount to him. He strives to represent God well. If he tells you something, you can bet it's the truth. If he says he's going to do something, you can bet he will. His word is as good as gold!
I'm so grateful for our home and the life God, through John, has given us!
I love you, John William!

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