Monday, June 15, 2009

A New Week Begins...

Last week wasn't a very pleasant week for me. I struggled with Abbey being so sick, worry about the new pandemic announcement and what it would mean for us, John was out of town, I was upset about the absence of our LOA, and I was very tired most of the week. I could definitey consider it as a "storm" or a "wilderness time" spiritually . On Friday, John brought me a new devotion book. Friday evening I opened it, and the devotion I read was titled, It is I; Be Not Afraid. Here is what it said, "You'll get through this storm. Dave Dravecky said, 'Looking back...I have learned that the wilderness is part of the landscape of faith, and every bit as essential as the mountaintop. On the mountaintop we are overwhelmed by God's presence. In the wilderness we are overwhelmed by His absence. Both places should bring us to our knees; the one, in utter awe, the other in utter dependence.'" (Quoted from Word for Today, June, July and August) Wow! how true and how directly it spoke to me. I also have found that we appreciate the mountaintop much more when we have been through the wilderness. I believe Romans 8:28 is true. Therefore, the problems of the past week were there for a reason. God is shaping me and preparing me for His future plans for me. Also, as I walk with Him through the wilderness, He is showing me more and more aspects of his character. The key is to walk with God, and not try to walk alone. So, as I enter into a new week, it is with renewed prayers that are praising my Lord no matter whether in the wilderness or the mountaintop. But, Lord, a mountaintop would certainly be welcomed!!

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