Not once, but over and over again...
Abbey doing handstands. (I told you she was a born-gymnast, imagine what she could do with some training?)
But, I can't! I mean I wouldn't even think of trying, unless I wanted to end up in the hospital!
But, I can smile like this...
and this...
The day started out great. The kids didn't get up at the crack of dawn. Daniel and Anna were home most of the day to help with the little ones. I didn't have to run any errands. (There were some that I needed to do, but I chose not to; and the world didn't end). I stayed home and played outside. The weather was beautiful. I was able to cook a real dinner that we ate together. Then, John and I took the littles and went for a walk. It felt so wonderful outside. The dogwoods are starting to join the bradford pear trees in blooming. The grass is green. Everywhere you look you see God's gift of beauty to us. I love, love, love spring!!!
**This statement is one that our family says often. When John, Jr was really little we have him on video during Christmas saying over and over again, "This is my favorite kind of day!" It was so cute that the saying "stuck" with us.