Monday, March 8, 2010

The Golden Dragon Acrobats

On Friday,Abbey, Elijah and I had an opportunity to see the Chinese Golden Dragon Acrobats with OAKS. This troupe is from Henan, China. The show was one put on for schools, so it only lasted one hour (perfect for a toddler's attention span). Needless to say, it was quite amazing to see the things they could do to their bodies.   Abbey and Elijah sat and watched every bit of the show. A couple of the acts worried me, I could see the wheels in my little acrobat's mind, thinking, "I'd like to try that!"

A couple of things we saw:

Those are chairs, almost to the ceiling 

Utterly amazing flexibility

1 comment:

  1. Amazing what they can do. My friend, Lisa, introduced herself to you at this show. I think her Olivia could one day be a part of this show!!! :)

