Thursday, March 25, 2010

He even hears my sighs!

"Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my sighing."

These verses stuck with me today. God even hears my sighing. When the drains back up, the shower overflows and leaks downstairs, I sigh; when an angry child stomps upstairs, I sigh; when several major appliances threaten to break down, I sigh; when the kids have a bad night, I sigh, and on and on. In my mind, sighing isn't like crying.

"Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray." Psalm 5:1-2

 I cry out to the Lord over major things, such as a loved ones deteriorating health, the loss of life or lack of salvation of a loved one, or a major problem to which I have no solution.  I've always known that God hears my cries for help. I praise him that I've had little to cry about in my life!

But I bet several times a week I find myself sighing over life's little blips of problems. Today I found myself thanking God that He loves me so much as to listen and consider my sighs.Some of the things I sigh over really don't matter in the grand scheme of things, but to God, because I sigh, it matters.

Now, I do believe that God is trying to shape and mold me into His likeness, (boy, does He have a long way to go), and in becoming more like Him I will not worry so much about the inconsequential. But, He recognizes my human frailness and meets me where I am.

This thought returns me to thoughts of my parenting. How many times have I listened to one of my kids petty sighing and basically told them to chill out and not stress about things that don't matter? Maybe I should listen and comfort them in their times of sighing? Maybe I should take their human frailness and maturity level into account? That's what God does for me. He has every right to say, "Get a grip, Glenda, in the grand scheme of things, it really isn't important." But He doesn't, in fact, He encourages me to tell Him about everything... without ceasing!  Oh, what manner of love the Father has lavished on us.... even when we sigh!

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful insight! Sometimes I feel that my everyday details are too insignificant for God, but I'm coming to grips with the fact that He cares enough about me to care about those tiny things too...
